I haven’t posted on my blog much despite wanting to post once a week. The problem isn’t the writing but in fact the images. I recently viewed some other best examples of blogs and the pairing of writing and photographic content was stunning. I do have a lot of images regarding Caz & Dec but naturally don’t want to give too much away. However, something big happened recently which will give me at least one image to share. I recently commissioned this fantastic cute artwork as a starting point for the picture book.

It was illustrated by the very talented artist. You can commission her to do your work here:
She was great to work with and took my character sketches and delivered them to the briefing.
In viewing this image I realised that this would great for my 4-year-old son but not my 8-year daughter. So I’m no longer writing/producing a picture book and I’m making an eComic (digital comic) instead.
So in trying to create a picture book I’ve “failed” already. But in doing so I’ve learned a lot already about my new path. I’m already working with another artist and rekindled an old passion of mine in reading graphic novels. I appreciate I talk a lot about the growth mindset but that is what the story and project is about. I hope you can see that I don’t just write about it but also try to live it too.
Thanks for reading and please drop a comment should you have any questions 😊